
adoption isn't enough

I am so sick of heart about the unfolding changes in Ethiopian's adoption process.  You can read more about that here.  I'm not intending to jump the gun on the situation, and I am still hopeful that orphaned children will be united with their forever families, but...

what if...
could this be...

A wake-up call for the Christian community.  Around 2500 children were adopted from Ethiopia into US families in 2010.  2500 out of 5 million.  Please don't get me wrong -- every single one of those successful adoptions was nothing less than an act of God.  I know this first-hand, because our Micah Yoseph coming home in 2009 was an undeniable act of God.  But hear my heart...

Is it easy for us, when our adoptions are rolling along smoothing, to have tunnel-vision.  To some how think that that because (in our case) I am bringing one child home, I don't really have to think long and hard about all the millions of other children who will never come home??

When adoptions are rolling smoothly, do those millions of children lose their voice?

The reality is, adoption isn't enough.  We cannot put all our eggs in that basket.  Americans bring home 2500 Ethiopian per year (PRAISE GOD) -- but 30,000 children DIE PER DAY in Africa!  Our family ministers to the fatherless (outside of adoption), but oh, do the bread crumbs we throw under our table make our God look so small.

Not sure where I'm intending to go with all this.  But what I do know for certain is that God is sovereign...even over MOWA.  And I am also certain that God cares for the fatherless.  ALL of them.  His Word says so.

Lord, give us your eyes.  Show us what you see when you look at Ethiopia.  At Africa.  Father, use this situation to give millions of children a voice...and quicken us, Your Children, to be listening.

For the Lord your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great, the mighty, and the awesome God, who is not partial and takes no bribe. He executes justice for the fatherless and the widow, and loves the sojourner, giving him food and clothing- Deut 10:17-18


williamandshelley said...

Amen, sista! Speak it. Agreed.

I haven't looked at blogs forever...so good to see you again in blogland :)

Polly said...

Thanks for sharing your heart.... so neat to hear this from you. When God placed adoption on our hearts there were a few messages that He clearly gave to me and Shawn. One was that this was not about just "one" child. We weren't sure what God meant by that but we had a few ideas. We know that God has not called us to one child but to millions. Last week as these details began to unfold, that message began to make even more sense to us. Yes our heart is heavy for our "one" child but even heavier for the "millions". Praying for justice!

alisa said...

This is a sanctifying journey, isn't it! We were so naive when we started out. I'm so thankful God didn't leave us where we were...although, we still have a long way to go.

Wes and Laney said...

You know, you are so right...adoption isn't enough! I just logged on to my blog of which I haven't been on in a while. I realize Wes and I also have a long way to go. Before beginning our adoption journey, I was completely and utterly clueless about the intensity of the needs in the world. I do not believe we would have even considered sponsoring a child in ET if it had not been for our family being led to adoption and there is much more to be done. Much, much more. Open my eyes,Lord!

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