We had our 3-month post-placement visit with our social worker last week. I think the visit went pretty well. Our social worker and her husband have 3 children of their own...two adopted, one bio. It was encouraging to hear her stories/experiences! It's funny to think how stressed I would get about our home studies prior to Micah's home-coming -- everything had to be spotless, and perfectly in its place. Not so much this time -- ha ha!!
Micah is continuing to settle-in very well! We still do the primary care for him (feeding, diapers, baths, etc.) but we have begun to let others hold him on a regular basis. He's on a great schedule -- most nights, he sleeps right through the night, and he takes 2 2-hours naps during the day. I think a schedule has made all the difference in the world for him -- he's so much more relaxed than when we brought him home. I think he finds great comfort in his routine...no surprises...he always knows what to expect, which makes for a de-stressed, un-anxious, happy baby!!
Right now, my life revolves around his eating & sleeping schedule and I am completely O.K. with that!! Actually, it's my honor! Parenthood has many seasons, and this is simply one of them.

I found this poem on another adoptive family's blog, and just had to share it with you...too beautiful for words...
I Would Gather Children
-- author unknown
Some would gather money
Along the path of life,
Some would gather roses,
And rest from worldly strife.
But I would gather children
From among the thorns of sin,
I would seek a golden curl,
And a freckled, toothless grin.
For money cannot enter
In that land of endless day,
And roses that are gathered
Soon will wilt along the way.
But oh, the laughing children,
As I cross the sunset sea,
And the gates swing wide to heaven
I can take them in with me!
And Jesus said to them,
“Follow me, and I will make you become fishers of men.”
And immediately they left their nets and followed him.
Yea Micah! 3 Months - wow!! Time goes by fast. Miss you all,
Just stumbled upon your blog. Wondering if you live in the Trussville area as we do.
Were on China adoption #3, 5th kiddo. Janet
Alisa and Vince-
So excited for your new family!! Micah is so adorable!!
Wish you were back in Spfd. so we could get the boys together!!
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