The aim of Into the Streets of Ethiopia is to raise financial support, basic living materials and educational needs for street children living in Ethiopia. Improving the child's living standard and provision for education will help to contribute to their future well being and adjustment in society. It is their desire to partner with charitable organizations which serve underprivileged youth in Ethiopia. All funds will be devoted to the cause of helping street children and at risk children in Ethiopia.
Into The Streets of Ethiopia has specifically partnered with a Follower of Jesus and dear friend of many America World families, Robel Alawi (Children's Future Ethiopia), to help realize his dream for a better future for the streets kids of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia!

You can read more about Into the Streets of Ethiopia & Robel Alawi by clicking the link below.

This is a great cause and Robel is doing wonderful things for these kids! Alisa and Vince - Thank you for everything you are doing on behalf of orhpaned kids in Ethiopia. love, Karen Wistrom
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